Guest ContributorsNature (Guest Contributors)New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Night Sky – There is So Much to Discover The night sky is our very own library in the stars. The stars and planets, galaxies and cosmic dust are our ancestors, mythically an...
Guest ContributorsGuided Meditations & Yoga Sequences (Guest Contributors) The Ocean Breath – A Breathing Activity Find out how the Pranayama breathing technique called the ujjayi breath can reduce stress and help you to live longer. As it sounds...
Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) The Reasons Why Whatever your reasons for taking the practice of meditation - whether it be to master your mind or heal the body - the success lies...
Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Simple Things Happiness is interpretive, but collectively people describe it as a sense of peace and acceptance of themselves, the world around th...
Guest ContributorsNature (Guest Contributors)New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Spider Diary – Part 1. Unexpected Friends It is heartwarming to know that life, no matter what, always has something new to surprise us with - even when it seems too many aw...
Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors)Nature (Guest Contributors) The Spider Diary – Part 2: Red Mites & Brilliant Eyes Follow the story of Maureen, the lady jumping spider I made friends with over tea. Part 2 of The Spider Diary takes a closer look in...
Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors)Nature (Guest Contributors) The Spider Diary, Part 3: Red Mites & Superior Sight Unlike any other spider species, the Jumping spiders have a vision so advanced it is equivalent to a cat or small dog and has the sa...
Guest ContributorsNature (Guest Contributors) The Spider Eats Greens "More Extraordinary Than a Flying Pig",- Says Christopher Meehan, Biologist and Natural Historian. How could it be that a solely car...
First NationsGuest ContributorsNature (Guest Contributors)New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) The Witchetty Grub People – Part 1 For the next few weeks, take a walk with me through the place of the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung. I will help you see what I see as I walk...
First NationsGuest Contributors The Witchetty Grub People & The Manna Gum – Part 2 WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that this post contains names and images of people who have now en...
Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors)Nature (Guest Contributors) The Worlds only Flying Mammals – Bat Facts for Kids A single bat can eat up to 3000 small flying insects in an hour. Bats keep our flying insect populations in check, imagine if there...
Guest ContributorsNature (Guest Contributors) The Year Earth Changed This unique documentary, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, catalogues footage captured during the lockdowns of 2020. The footage r...